Every company starts somewhere and our starting point many years ago was a florist based in West London … www.westlondonflowers.com – It makes sense!
While it was great in it’s time the web moves fast and the design looked dated. Also Beryl, our fabulous florist had moved on in her business to concentrate in one key area – that of a wedding florist. So the site has been completely redesigned and focused on wedding floristry and wedding flowers.
But how do you stand out in a crowd of florist sites?
It was a bold move but designed under Beryl’s direction westlondonflowers to a colour scheme of black and grey .. with some shocking pink to contrast. Both client and us are very pleased with the results – not least that within a week of going live she was well on the way to breaking even for the cost of the project.
Google Success!
The key to the project being a success so fast is the search engine optimisation process we went through. Targeting the two key phrases of wedding florist london and wedding flowers london has led to some excellent page 1 results.
As of 23rd May on google.co.uk
Wedding florist London – 2nd out of 1,100,000 listings
Wedding flowers London – 4th out of 1,360,000 listings
..and not too bad on more generic phrases either…
flowers London – 6th out of 9,120,000 listings
florist London – 4th out of 1,340,000 listings
So if your looking to stand out in the crowd and get great listing to boot then call us with your brief. To end on a bad pun …Your future could be rosy!