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The Rayne Foundation’s purpose is to effect and promote positive social change.

The Rayne Foundation commissioned Feelingpeaky to conduct a light-touch review of their external communications with a particular focus on their website which then lead to a complete redesign and rebuild of this key communications channel.

As grantmakers with a strong focus on social change, it was important to the Foundation to communicate clearly and effectively. Trustees wanted to improve the quality and focus of applications for grants and increase their chances of finding and attracting high-quality applications most closely aligned with their objectives and criteria. In order to do that they need to communicate clearly to the charity sector what it is that we are looking for.

The Foundation are also sharply aware of the pressures on charities which are made harder by the need to raise funds from a wide variety of sources. They want to make their funding application process as smooth and sensible as possible in order to reduce the demands on those they want to work with so that they can get on with their job of helping others. Achieving clear and simple communications was key to this.
In addition new, proactive work in the Foundation’s areas of special interest will see them wanting to attract the right partners, connect with others working in related fields and to share their learning. These reasons and the Foundation’s commitment to replication and influencing improvements in services lead to them reaching out to Feelingpeaky to help them review how external communications can help.

The Rayne Foundation